
Alzyon is a fantasy, romance, action and comedy story that follows the adventures of a young woman named Aliza as she sets out on a journey to uncover the mysteries of her family and her grandfather’s past. With a deep curiosity and a burning desire to learn the truth, Aliza sets out on a quest to explore the magical realm of Alzyon, a place filled with strange and wondrous creatures, mystical landscapes, and ancient secrets waiting to be uncovered.

As she delves deeper into the mysteries of Alzyon, Aliza uncovers dark secrets about her family and her grandfather’s past, leading her on a thrilling adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns. With humor, heart, and a sense of wonder, Alzyon is a captivating tale of discovery, friendship, and the power of family ties, that will leave readers enchanted and eager for more.

About the Artist

Theresa Melo, a sequential artist and full-time professional designer based in Canada, began conceptualizing Alzyon’s storyline around 2013. Since 2014, she has steadily crafted each chapter, though the project experienced hiatuses due to Theresa’s professional development and personal life. As of 2024, Chapter 3 of Alzyon is currently in the works, and you can stay updated on its progress through her Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok channels.

Portfolio: http//theresamelo.com

Other creative space: http://mooncreampuff.com